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Feb. 3, 2016
Princeton, Mass. Planning Board
Regular Meeting  Feb. 3, 2016

7:35 pm  Opened meeting

John Mirick provided 3 items to submit for warrant. After discussion, each was approved with a unanimous vote:

  •  Adult Entertainment by-law Section XXI – Approved
  • Open Space Residential Design Section XIV rewording- Approved
  • Zoning Districts Clarifying location of districts Section II- Approved
Richie Bisk agrees to be re-nominated for another 3 year term.
Tom Daly presented Richie with CMRPC upcoming schedule.

Budget discussion- Voted all-in-favor to approve Level Service Budget at $21,586

Public Hearing tentatively was scheduled for March 16th. Town has conflict, Planning Board to move Public Hearing and regular meeting to March 23rd.
Discussions regarding
- Wireless internet structures and potential for expansion
- Smith Farm update (from John Mirick) moving along in a good direction
- Revisit Village Overlay District term of use as it applies to Special Permits. Agreed that Special   - Permit is for mixed Residential and Business uses not multiple business’

Voted all in favor to approve minutes of Jan. 20, 2016

8:45 pm   Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,
Russell Mason